Monday, August 18, 2014

Cream Cheese Layered Banana Bread (C&V2)

So, this happened over the weekend.

I spotted the recipe floating around on my Facebook news feed two weeks ago, and I knew I had to try it.  I only waited two weeks because I was out of town last weekend.  If anything, the anticipation made the idea--and the resulting bread--taste better.

Essentially, I combined two of my favorite sweets, cheesecake and banana bread, into one product.  My affinity for banana bread ties directly back to the idea of cooking vegetables (in this case, fruit) directly into bread, similar to my thoughts on carrot cake.  And I have already professed at length my undying love for cheesecake.  So combining the two can only make it better, right?

Well, mostly.  The cheese cake portion, having properties of cake, custard, and/or torte (apparently up for debate), was layered in order to bring out the rich and smooth properties of the cheese.  This actually paired perfectly with the bread because the cheese offered a smoother feel to each bite and a richer aspect to the banana bread.

Where I think the recipe fell a little short was in the actual bread, which turned out slightly less moist than I would have expected.  Because I like my bread moist in most cases, in the past I used a recipe that emphasized bread moisture for standalone banana bread.  This time around, although noteworthy, the lower moisture did not detract too much from overall enjoyment.  Where the banana bread lacked, the cream cheese layer actually compensated with its properties.

Next time, I will probably take steps to make the bread more moist given my preferences.  For the original recipe, please check out Averie Cooks' webpage on Cream Cheese Filled Banana Bread.  And that's it.  I thought I would try a less wordy, more "food porn" type approach this time.

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